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Akoma Church of Entheogenic Plants: Our Doctrine

The Akoma Church of Entheogenic Plants is founded on the principles of unity, spirituality, and reverence for nature. We believe that entheogenic plants such as psilocybin are sacred tools bestowed upon humanity to deepen our connection with the divine and each other, facilitate spiritual growth, and foster better mental health. Our doctrine is rooted in love, respect, and stewardship of the Earth, guided by the wisdom of ancestral traditions and contemporary insights.

Core Beliefs

  1. Sacredness of Nature
    We believe that the Earth and all its inhabitants are sacred. Entheogenic plants, psilocybin in particular, are divine gifts that provide pathways to higher consciousness, healing, and spiritual enlightenment.
  1. Unity and Interconnectedness
    All life is interconnected. We honor the unity of all beings and the interdependent web of existence. Our actions reflect a commitment to harmony and balance within ourselves, our communities, and the natural world.
  1. Spiritual Growth and Healing
    Entheogenic plants are powerful catalysts for spiritual growth and healing. Through their use, we seek to transcend the ego, confront inner truths, and foster personal and collective transformation.
  1. Ancestral Wisdom
    We respect and integrate the wisdom of indigenous and ancestral traditions that have long revered entheogenic plants. These traditions provide valuable guidance and context for our practices and beliefs.
  1. Ethical Conduct
    Our actions are governed by principles of compassion, integrity, and respect. We strive to live ethically, honoring the sanctity of life and the dignity of all beings.


  • Sacramental Use of Entheogenic Plants
    We partake in entheogenic plants in ceremonial contexts, treating each experience as a sacred journey. Ceremonies are led by trained facilitators who ensure a safe and respectful environment.
  • Meditation and Mindfulness
    Regular meditation and mindfulness practices are essential to our spiritual discipline. These practices help cultivate inner peace, clarity, and a deeper connection to the divine.
  • Communal Gatherings
    We gather regularly as a community to share experiences, support one another, and celebrate our shared journey. These gatherings include rituals, teachings, and communal meals.
  • Ecological Stewardship
    We are committed to the stewardship of the Earth. This includes sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and advocating for the protection of sacred plants and their habitats.
  • Education and Advocacy
    We promote the responsible and informed use of entheogenic plants through education and advocacy. This includes raising awareness about their benefits, legal status, and the importance of cultural respect.

Ethical Guidelines

  • Respect for Individuals
    Every member is treated with respect and dignity. We honor diverse paths and perspectives, fostering an inclusive and supportive community.
  • Informed Consent
    The use of entheogenic plants requires informed consent. Members must understand the nature, effects, and potential risks of these substances before participating in ceremonies.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality
    We respect the privacy of all members. Personal experiences and shared stories within the community are held in confidence, creating a safe space for vulnerability and growth.
  • Non-Commercialization
    Entheogenic plants are sacred and should not be commercialized. The Church does not engage in the sale of these plants for profit and ensures that ceremonies and teachings are accessible to all, regardless of financial means.
  • Legal and Safe Practices
    We adhere to local laws and regulations concerning the use of entheogenic plants. Safety is paramount, and all practices are conducted in a manner that prioritizes the well-being of participants.

Vision for the Future

The Akoma Church of Entheogenic Plants envisions a world where the sacred use of entheogenic plants is respected, integrated into spiritual practices, and legally protected. We aim to be a beacon of light, promoting spiritual awakening, ecological stewardship, and compassionate community living. Through our doctrine and practices, we seek to contribute to the healing and transformation of individuals and society as a whole.

Grand Opening June 29

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